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Medal of Honor winners, heroic POWs, generals and admirals say it will destroy the U.S. military. Veterans say they're disgusted and fear for the nation's future. And demoralized active-duty soldiers are threatening not to re-enlist, or to retire early.
As February's Whistleblower magazine dramatically documents, the men and women of America's armed forces claim the U.S. Senate, despite being utterly repudiated by voters, dropped a bomb on them during the waning, pre-Christmas days of the lame-duck congressional session.
Dropping the H bomb is about what will happen once open homosexuality – officially prohibited in the U.S. military continuously since George Washington's time – is permitted throughout the armed forces as soon as the Senate's repeal of the Clinton-era "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is implemented in the coming weeks and months.
Critics say the policy reversal, rammed through Congress to satisfy a 2008 pre-election promise Barack Obama made to his LGBT constituency, recklessly dismantles the time-tested rules, culture and discipline that have guided America's military since the nation's founding.
However, says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, it's not too late. "We've released this Whistleblower issue right now precisely because the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal can still be reversed. Before open homosexuals can be invited into the armed forces, the law says top military leaders have to certify that the new policy won't affect troop readiness, cohesion or military recruitment and retention. Because of that provision, the new GOP-led House could – if it really wanted to – stop implementation in its tracks."
As Whistleblower points out, Rep. Buck McKeon, R.-Calif., the new chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, has opposed repeal and told reporters he wanted to hold hearings that would include rank-and-file service members along with military leaders. "I would really like to hear from battlefield commanders," McKeon said. "I would like to hear from battalion commanders, I would like to hear from company commanders on the front lines in Afghanistan and Iraq to see what their feelings are."
Case in point: Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos – in public testimony the Senate completely ignored – stated unequivocally that repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" would cost lives and disrupt the Corps from carrying out its current missions.
There are several ways Congress could stop the controversial repeal's implementation. The question is: Does the new Republican majority in the House have the will?
Highlights of "DROPPING THE 'H'-BOMB" include:
* "The headlines are wrong" by Cliff Kincaid, who explains why "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has not been repealed – yet – and how the new Congress can reverse the lame-duck Senate's controversial, last-minute action
* "Voices from the front lines," in which several dozen active-duty and retired members of the U.S. military explain to Whistleblower exactly why they and their fellow soldiers are so opposed to allowing open homosexuals within their ranks
* "The high level of homosexual assault in the military" by Peter Sprigg, whose comprehensive data analysis confirms traditionalists' worst fears: Even before repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," homosexuals have proven to be three times more likely than heterosexuals to sexually prey on their fellow service members
* "'Gay' groups want quick implementation before reality strikes" by Brian Fitzpatrick, who reports that homosexual activists, fearful that a closer analysis of the Senate's hasty action may lead to second thoughts, are pushing to have the policy quickly rolled out
* "Saving soldiers from gay death" by Cliff Kincaid, whose chilling report documents why allowing open homosexuals into the military will almost certainly lead to AIDS-tainted blood
* "FDA urged to let homosexuals donate blood" by Chelsea Schilling, who explains why current public-health policy wisely excludes "men who have sex with men"
* "Total media confusion on 'gays in the military'" by Art Moore, spotlighting the almost universal misreporting about the Clinton-era policy on homosexuality
* "Attack on America's military" by David Kupelian, who says the 112th Congress "can and must deactivate the bomb dropped by the 111th"
* "Officer refuses to indoctrinate soldiers" by Brian Fitzpatrick: In a harbinger of things to come, one Army lieutenant colonel asks to be relieved of his command to avoid being required to impose homosexual sensitivity training on his subordinates. "I love my job," he says, "but I can't do this job once they begin to implement this policy."
* "George Washington on sodomy in the military" by Joseph Farah – an eye-opening look at how homosexual behavior was dealt with by America's most famous general
* "Military heroes warn America" by Bob Unruh, in which top generals tell Whistleblower the U.S. will "suffer the consequences" for abandoning time-tested morality and discipline
* "Unleashing contagion on our armed forces" by Maj. Gen. Pat Brady, in which the Medal of Honor recipient spells out the devastating impact of what he calls a "quad-sexual" military
* "Just because we lost doesn’t mean we lost" by Judson Phillips, in which the tea party organizer describes strategies the new Congress can employ to undo the mischief of the last one
* "The big mistake" by Star Parker, whose exploration of the military's "gay" dilemma pinpoints "the ultimate danger to national security."
"It's now or never," says Kupelian. "Voters, including millions of military members and their families, just gave the newly elected Republican Congress members a ringing mandate to reverse the disastrous policies Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress forced on us. Now is the time when it's still possible to reverse a terrible mistake – literally an assault on our own military. Will congressional Republicans live up to their promises, or will they betray us? It is that simple."