© 2011 WorldNetDaily
Promotional poster for film "Iranium"
Iranium, the new movie premiering this week, is offering the world, especially those in the West and even more directly those in the United States, a warning about the deadly intentions of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
That nation, whose president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, publicly has declared a goal of seeing Israel wiped off the map, has been the target of United Nations sanctions over its pursuit of nuclear power, which it claims is for peaceful purposes.
But the possibility, suspected by many outside of Iran, that its goal is a nuclear arsenal is just a component of the problem, explains the movie, which it explains is a dedicated and unadulterated hatred of all things involving the West and freedom.
The project, assembled by The Clarion Fund, features a long list of experts revealing what has gone on in Iran. The report includes graphic video evidence of the Islamic violence there.
It confirms the hatred and violence exhibited by Iran's brutal leadership and documents the regime's abusive treatment of their "once proud citizenry."
Further, it "chronicles the regime's use of terror proxies abroad to inflict deadly messages on their self-described enemies for over 30 years."
Watch a portion of the movie, which for the next week can be seen online:
Produced by Raphael Shore, whose earlier work includes "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West," and "The Third Jihad," which explores radical Islam in America and the growing threat it presents, "Iranium" ultimately offers suggestions for viewers on how to make sure the violence doesn't go too far.
The project was directed by Alex Traiman, and edited by Micah Smith. It warns that a nuclear attack on the U.S. would be many times more costly than the approximately 3,000 lives taken on Sept. 11, 2001, when radical Islamics hijacked jets and flew them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.
Narrating the project is Shohreh Aghdashloo, an Emmy winner who was the first Iranian actress to be nominated for an Academy Award.
Among those whose expert opinions are assembled to explain the Iranian leadership's desire for the death of their enemies are Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy; Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.; former Ambassador John Bolton, U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y.; Ammir Fakhravar of the Iranian Freedom Institute and Reza Kahlili, formerly of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
Engel said, "Iran has made a conscious decision to infiltrate the Western hemisphere," and Gaffney noted that Ahmadinejad publicly has speculated about a world without the United States, noting it that not only would be desirable – but also "achievable."
Iran, the 18th-largest nation in terms of land mass, has some 74 million residents. It was changed from a Western-friendly dictatorship under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in 1979 when Ayatollah Ruhullah Khomeini emerged from a violent uprising as a revolutionary leader.
What came into being at the time, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, now arrests protesters and dissidents in every increasing numbers, and executes more citizens each year than any other nation except China.
The nation often jails, tortures and kills those of faiths other than Islam, the video reveals. Its own citizens it sometimes hangs, sometimes stones.
Currently providing plenty of fodder for worry is the nation's nuclear program. Iranian officials, criticized by the U.S. and others for sponsoring terrorism, claim the program is peaceful and intended to provide power, even though the nation sits on enough oil and natural gas to power itself for decades.
"The first thing that often comes to mind when visualizing a nuclear attack is the explosion of a nuclear warhead attached to a ballistic missile in the heart of America's cities," according to the video. "Such an attack could cause unthinkable damage, radiation and loss of life."
Further, an attack short of a nuclear detonation could involve an electro-magnetic pulse that could shut down computers, portable electronics, automobiles, medical equipment and other services or products over vast areas of the continent.
"According to religious scripture, up to two thirds of the world's population will die when the [Islamic] Mahdi arrives; One-third by plague; and one-third by the sword. Many scholars affirm that Hojetiyeh believe that they can bring the return of the Mahdi, by creating those conditions," the website explains.
"The combination of such a philosophy with a nuclear arsenal creates a bleak doomsday scenario," it explains.
While there are cracks in the Islamic regime's foundation – its own citizens are protesting and being arrested and killed by police – the film explainsWesterners and Americans have the choice either to allow Iran's violence to continue, or assist those in Iran who are trying to change the regime.
* Documents the development of Iran's nuclear threat, beginning with the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and the ideology installed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini.
* Tracks Iran's use of terror as a tool of policy, beginning with the 444-day seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, through Iran's insurgent actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
* Details the brutal nature of the Iranian regime to its own citizens, and the Iranian people's desire to rejoin the international community.
* And outlines the various scenarios the greater Middle East and the Western world may face should Iran cross the nuclear threshold.
The Clarion Fund is an independently funded nonprofit group that makes and releases documentaries on the threats of radical islam.
Its earlier movies are "The Third Jihad, Radical Islam's Vision for America" and "Obsession." In those, the company used images from Arab TV to reveal an "insider's look" of the hatred being taught by radicals in the Middle East.
Clarion is a New York-based nonprofit that promotes the opinions of Muslims, Christians and Jews to a diverse audience.
What if 9/11 had been nuclear? http://www.wnd.com