By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Operating much like a "memory hole" in George Orwell's classic novel "1984," the Obama administration has replaced the content of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America website, providing additional evidence the White House intends to implement the SPP agenda by executive action, below the radar of public opinion and outside the framework of congressional approval.
The SPP website, under the title "Commerce Connect," now reflects totally different content, announcing its purpose as "a one-stop shop for information, counseling and government services that can help U.S. businesses around the country transform themselves into globally competitive enterprises."
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WND reported in September 2009 that the Obama administration has "rebranded" and "refocused" the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, to advance the Bush administration's agenda of North American integration under the rubric of the "North American Leaders Summit," a less controversial banner, according to confidential sources in the U.S. Department of Commerce and State Department who agreed to speak with WND only if their comments were kept off the record.
Beginning in September 2009, the SPP website included a disclaimer that read: "This website is an archive for SPP documents and will not be updated."
Still, even in September 2009, the SPP website maintained the appearance it had when it was launched April 15, 2005, and it continued to carry an extensive set of documents that since have been scrubbed from the Internet, including Web pages describing the SPP's "prosperity agenda," its "security agenda," and a comprehensive list of SPP working groups.
Currently, clicking the URLs for these SPP documents produces a Commerce Connect page that says, "404 Page Not Found. The page you are looking for is currently unable to view."
For example, here is the current result when the URL that previously contained the SPP prosperity agenda is searched today:
The White House's handling of the SPP agenda sharply contrasts with Canada, where the SPP website retains its original character, openly proclaiming North American community objectives, much like the U.S. website did prior to September 2009.
The Canadian government website today continues to archive the security agenda, the prosperity agenda, trilateral meeting summaries going back to 2007 and key SPP reports and documents – all content that has been scrubbed from current U.S. government websites.