2011 WorldNetDaily
While millions of outraged Americans protest what they see as a lawless and power-mad Obama administration, many wonder how much clout individuals can really have in reining in a wildly out-of-control government.
But suppose, in addition to citizens with little power beyond their vote, those standing up to the federal government were named Virginia, Texas, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Montana, Maine, South Dakota – and many more?
Incredibly, though under-reported by the establishment press, that's exactly what is happening right now, as the April issue of Whistleblower documents in-depth, in "STATES OF REBELLION: How legislators and governors nationwide are openly challenging a rogue president."
A wide-ranging rebellion is indeed under way – by a large majority of states – against what they claim are intolerable and blatantly unconstitutional encroachments by the federal government. And they are seriously intent on declaring such unconstitutional laws null and void in their state.
Here's how Thomas E. Woods Jr., author of the bestselling book, "Nullification: How to resist federal tyranny in the 21st century," succinctly lays out the issue in the April Whistleblower:
Nullification begins with the axiomatic point that a federal law that violates the Constitution is no law at all. It is void and of no effect. Nullification simply pushes this uncontroversial point a step further: If a law is unconstitutional and therefore void and of no effect, it is up to the states, the parties to the federal compact, to declare it so and thus refuse to enforce it. It would be foolish and vain to wait for the federal government or a branch thereof to condemn its own law. Nullification provides a shield between the people of a state and an unconstitutional law from the federal government.
Take Obamacare: Most people know the GOP-led House of Representatives repealed it (though the Democrat-controlled Senate almost certainly will not, nor will Obama ever sign it). And many also know 27 states are challenging Obamacare in court. But what few understand is that at least 11 states are attempting to legislatively nullify Obamacare within their borders. So far, an act to nullify the entire federal health-care law has become state law in Montana and Idaho, has been approved by one house in North Dakota, and introduced in eight other states – New Hampshire, Maine, Oregon, Nebraska, Texas, Wyoming, South Dakota and Oklahoma.
What about the federal government's labyrinthine gun laws? Eight states have already passed laws – signed by their governors – telling Washington its firearms regulations are not valid in those states for weapons manufactured and purchased in-state. Many other states are on the same legislative track.
There's much more: Utah last month became the first state to make gold and silver legal tender in that state. Twenty-four states are defying Obama by copying Arizona's immigration law – the one the Obama Justice Department sued Arizona over. Lawmakers in 40 states are working to halt the epidemic of "anchor babies" establishing "birthright citizenship." And 13 states are considering laws that would require every presidential candidate – including Barack Obama – to prove he is a natural-born citizen before his name can be placed on that state's ballot in presidential elections.
Highlights of "STATES OF REBELLION" include:
* "States to Washington: Follow the Constitution or else" by Bob Unruh, on how power grabs by the federal government increasingly are being met with big opposition from states
* "Unfunded mandates? Obama's the biggest" by Joseph Farah, on the incomprehensible cost America is incurring for having Barack Obama as president
* "The return of a forbidden idea" by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., an exclusive excerpt from his bestselling book, "Nullification: How to resist federal tyranny in the 21st century"
* "3 states looking to set up nullification commissions"
* "Texas and New Hampshire: Stop feeling up fliers!"
* "11 states act to nullify Obamacare within their borders" by Bob Unruh, not to mention the 27 states that are fighting against "socialized medicine" in court
* "State lawmakers declare war on 'birthright citizenship'" by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., documenting how legislators from 40 states are teaming up to stop the spike in "anchor babies"
* "24 states defy Obama by copying Arizona immigration law"
* "Utah lawmakers recognize gold and silver as legal tender" – on how Utah is leading a growing movement to restore sound money to America
* "The buck stops here? Virginia eyes switching off dollar" by Kelly O'Meara, on legislators who cite the "inevitable destruction of the Federal Reserve System's currency"
* "State legislators attempt to stop Shariah" by Drew Zahn, on legislative efforts to prevent the U.S. from emulating Britain with its 85 Islamic courts
* "Did Jefferson foresee Obama's deficit – and the solution?" by Fergus Hodgson, who notes the third president wanted an anti-debt constitutional amendment – and may yet get his wish
* "Ohio poised to challenge Supreme Court with 'heartbeat bill'"
* "13 states considering eligibility-proof legislation" by Bob Unruh, on legislators who say: "If the federal government is not going to vet these people, we'll do it in our state"
* "Epic 'gunfight' between states and feds" – on how a battle over a Montana firearms law may dramatically limit Congress's power
* "A Virginia plan to cancel Congress's 'authority'" – explaining a radical legislative proposal that would exempt "all goods" from oversight by feds
* "Utah to Washington: This land is my land!" by Bob Unruh, on the almost unanimous resolution asking the federal government to cede 35,000 square miles back to the state
* "A warning to states about a Con-Con" by Phyllis Schlafly, on the serious and hidden dangers of convening a constitutional convention in today's near-lawless America
* "Barack Hussein Alinsky" by Patrick J. Buchanan, who says the big battle shaping up is between the "organizer in chief" and the governors of the 50 states – with America hanging in the balance
* "Leadership requires actual leadership" by Herman Cain, who shows that America's governors, not Obama, are showing the nation how to "win the future"
"There's so much bad news these days," said Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, "that it's great to be able to report this crucial and encouraging trend. America is made up of 50 sovereign states – something largely forgotten in this age of seemingly all-powerful federal government. And what a great thing it is to see state after state actually standing up to the Obama administration and saying, in effect, 'Don't tread on me!'"
Added Joseph Farah, founder of WND and Whistleblower, "This issue of Whistleblower documents what may be the single most important and promising avenue for taki